

  1. Waterfall of Thanks (chapbook) –  Bottlecap Press, 2023.
  2. I’m Trying to Get Better About Writing in My JournalBrooklyn Poets: Poet of the Week Feature (2023)
  3. November 19th, 2022 – The Common, 2024
  4. Aubade with Scribbled Love Notesnew words {press}, 2024

Academic Writing

  1. Davidson Carroll, G., Sonke, J. What do you see here? Data poems as community portraits. One Nation/ One Project– Arts for EveryBody:
  1. Valdez E., Chan J, Dixon .S, Davidson Carroll, G., Phuntsog, T., Delorme, E., Egan, J., Gubrium, A. Participatory Action Research to Explore the Role of Structural Violence on Marginalized and Racialized Young Parents. Health Education & Behavior. 2023;0(0). DOI:10.1177/10901981231197397
  1. Sonke, J., Manhas, N., Belden, C., Morgan-Daniel, J., Akram, S., Marjani, S., Oduntan, S., Hammond, G., Martinez, G., Davidson Carroll, G., Rodriguez, A. K., Burch, S., Colverson, A., Pesata, V., Fancourt, D. Social prescribing outcomes: A mapping review of the evidence from 13 countries to identify key common outcomes. Frontiers in Medicine. DOI:
  1. Gorry, E., Salerno-Valdez, E., Chan, J., Dixon, S., Davidson Carroll, G., Phuntsog, T., Delorme, E., Collins-Lovell, C., Egan, J., Gubrium, A. On caring and a love ethic to address the effects of structural violence on adolescent health (under review).